Organizing Services

We work closely with our clients to understand their individual needs and organize their spaces to suit their individual wishes. Every organization project is different but you can count on us to treat your home with respect and making sure the end result is a beautiful, functional, and easily maintained space that allows you and yours to operate from a place of ease.

The organizing process

Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation call to discuss the details of your project. We'll use that time to help you to uncover what your organization needs are. Then, we'll set up an in home or virtual assessment to evaluate your space, its layout, and current functionality. Next, we'll discuss personal style and organization preferences. In the final steps, you and your organizer or just your organizer if you prefer, will clear the space, purge unwanted or unnecessary items, sort the items to be kept, and organize the kept items within their new categories. Should you wish to purchase new organizing product or furniture for your space, that can be discussed during the personal style/organizing preferences stage and will be a separate expense from the cost of organization services.